If you are harvesting with your grandparents, learning your Native language, doing land restoration with a friend, creating artwork inspired by the land, or wanting to connect with someone new to do good work with the land…. This work is ancestral and needs to be honored.

Young people are leaders and carry knowledge that is invaluable. This grant is meant to honor and recognize youth who are working to connect with land in meaningful ways and hold them up for their continuous learning.

*This is a paid opportunity for youth. Funding is available until funding runs out (5 spots in total).




  1. You will apply, describing the work you are doing/ plan to do to further learn about land-based connections in partnership with someone. What this partnership looks like can be very different, but must relate to land/food (how this is interpreted is up to you). We encourage partnerships to be with family members.

Some examples can be working with you to do…

-land restoration -making food/ learning family recipes -sharing stories -engaging in cultural activities - Learning language - Food waste management -food justice work - Connecting with our waters -promoting food access -creating artwork related to the land -canning fish with family -fishing -supporting an event related to land/food

*We ask that you do not go over 8 hours in your partnership to honor your time. You will receive a $200 payment to honor your time in this commitment. 

2. Once you are ‘finished’ your partnership, you can access the Knowledge Transfer Fund where you can create something to share your learning with others. This portion is totally optional. More information about this below. Partnerships must happen anytime before the end of August, 2021.

***Once you receive your funding, there is no commitment to stay engaged afterwards. This payment is meant to honor the work that you are doing in the community in relationship to furthering your learning with land-based connections. This project is not meant to make more work for you. However, there may be opportunities for you to gather with the other participants to connect, if you want this.


  • Knowledge Transfer Fund: Through transferring knowledge, we have been able to carry on many traditions, practices, and stories based on the land. All youth in the program will have the option to create their own representation of their learning to further share knowledge. This can be done through artwork, beading, harvest sharing, writing, music, etc. The youth will get $100 as payment to do this, and $100 towards any supplies for their sharing.

*I also recognize that some teachings are meant to be kept within families. YOU own what you create and you choose if it is to be shared publicly, to the other youth, or just within your family. 

  • Continuous support from the youth engagement coordinator (myself) to work with, collaborate with, bounce ideas off of, support in publicizing your work, or just to share the amazing work you are doing.

  • You will be invited to join (optional) an online space to connect with the youth who are in this program

  • Be updated if other similar opportunities, volunteer or leadership opportunities, or events come up



To apply as a youth...

-you need to be currently connected to the lower Vancouver island

-Under the age of 24

-TO APPLY: Fill out this form, or email lajah@crfair.ca to set up a time to video chat or call.