Participatory Budgeting

Our proposal idea is shortlisted for the City of Victoria’s Participatory Budgeting!
This means that we have the potential to grow the Sprout Fund into a larger
Youth Sprout Hub through votes from the community. 

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Project Title: Sprouting Youth Food Action

Participatory Budgeting Funding Request: $5,000

CRFAIR - Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable

Location: Across the Capital Region District 

Project Idea:

Together let’s empower and support youth to engage with their food systems and take action on food issues that are meaningful to them. The Youth Sprout Hub is all about supporting youth with funds, networking, mentorship, and workshops that will instill confidence to jump into the food action landscape of the City of Victoria.

The Youth Sprout Hub will be the second iteration of the Sprout Fund project launched in 2019 by the Youth Food Network Action Team. The Sprout Fund pilot project funded 4 community youth food projects which are currently rolling out across the capital region. We would like to springboard youth action through the Sprout Fund project by giving greater support to the recipients and offering training to the youth involved to help them create cutting edge, creative projects that will benefit youth (and food systems) in our city. 

We can’t wait to see the growth of a youth food community, food systems, and food literacy! Join us in heating up our Sprout Fund through the Youth Sprout Hub.

This youth for youth format allows room for the development of leadership skills. Youth will be both guiding this process along, and participating in the hub as Sprout Fund recipients.10 applicants will be selected to join the Hub, but the benefits of the initiative will have a far reach as each of the projects will impact the broader community. Youth will be encouraged to take on projects that involve their peers, through education, collaboration and inspiration.

We will work to share the impacts and successes of the projects with the broader community, to showcase both the power of youth action, and to INSPIRE youth to take action! We will also be connecting a diverse group of youth, who are all connected by a keen interest in food activism. We believe there is power in the collective, and we look forward to the relationships and connections that will be built from the Hub. Youth are an important part of making meaningful change in our current food landscape. Part of our strategy to create food systems change includes nurturing the next generation of food leaders!

We’d so appreciate your vote!
You can vote for up to three projects on the
City of Victoria’s Youth Council website.
Voting is open until July 19th! 

Words by Em Bellinger and Alex Kuhn
Photo by Lauren Sortome